Papyrus & Arjowiggins show how fine papers build brand image

The importance of fine paper as a definition of luxury even in the age of digital communication was the theme of a recent seminar in Colombo by Arjowiggins Creative Papers, the owner of the global heritage paper brand Conqueror.

Hosted by Papyrus Papers, the local distributor for Conqueror, the ‘Papyrus Design-in-form’ seminar was attended by more than 75 representatives of the design and advertising community, the corporate sector and students of design.

It was conducted for Papyrus by Christophe Balaresque, Marketing & Luxury Brands Director of Arjowiggins Creative Papers, and an international expert on brand differentiation via high quality paper.

In his presentation, Mr Balaresque cited the examples of motor racing and aviation icon NikiLauda, French macaroon maestro Pierre Hermé, the noted Indian architect Charles Correra, rock music legend Keith Richards, Picasso and the Japanese martial arts guru Tatsuya Naka (Naka sensei) to illustrate their passion for perfection and the importance of detail in defining luxury.

Listing some of the top international brands that subscribe to this concept, he stressed that “Luxury is attention to detail, originality, exclusivity and above all quality.”

Mr Balaresque also made the point that in this age of social media and the convergence of communications, “there is no more B2B or B2C, but H2H – Human to Human,” making attention to detail even more important.

In his introduction to the event, Papyrus Corporation Chairman and CEO AshanAbeyesundere said the company’s objective was to inform, educate and showcase to the market how using fine papers from Arjowiggins can enhance brand image and help brands stand out from the crowd.

Sri Lanka’s leading supplier of fine papers for printing, corporate stationery and luxury packaging, Papyrus Papers has been the sole agent in Sri Lanka for the European heritage fine paper brand Conqueror since the company’s inception in 2002.

The company now carries more than 300 stock keeping units (SKUs) in the paper category, including products from its flagship brand Conqueror and 13 other fine paper brands from Antalis/Arjowiggins.

The company has built strong links in Sri Lanka with users of fine paper such as designers, production agencies, end-user corporates and printers.

With a history that dates back to 1888, Arjowiggins is the world’s leading manufacturer of creative and technical paper.

The company has operations in Europe, North America, Latin America and Asia.

Far from being a traditional paper manufacturer, Arjowiggins is a company with a focus on cutting-edge technology to provide its clients with the pioneering solutions best suited to their specific needs.

Arjowiggins has been at the forefront of the move towards environmentally-friendly paper and paper incorporating security requirements.

With 4,000 employees and 19 production facilities, Arjowiggins generated sales of €1 billion in 2014.

Photo caption:

Christophe Balaresque (seventh from left) and Ashan Abeyesundere with the Papyrus team at the seminar.

Papyrus and Arjowiggins show how fine papers build brand image

Last modified on Thursday, 21 May 2015 04:52