ILO launches translated site to improve awareness of labour law

Monday, 25 January 2016 11:00

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) announced the addition of full Sinhala and Tamil translations of Sri Lanka’s labour laws to the website in an effort to improve awareness of workers’ and employers’ rights and duties.

The website, which is an initiative of the WageIndicator Foundation, hosts detailed, easy-to-understand and well referenced information about Sri Lanka’s labour laws while also providing career advice and comparative analysis of salaries on a sectoral basis.

Prior to this new initiative from the ILO, national labour laws were only available in the English language, notably on the Department of Labour website.

However given Sri Lanka’s continuously expanding internet penetration, particularly as a result of its high percentage of mobile internet users, the additions to the website are expected to dramatically improve accessibility and awareness of labour laws explained in a user friendly manner not only for island’s eight million strong labour force but also for employers and Government officials.

At present it is estimated that approximately 76% of the Sri Lankan population speak only the Sinhala language at home while 17.9% speak only Tamil and just 0.2% speak only English.

Currently the website receives approximately 15,000 visitors per month, however with its newly updated functionality and accessibility, it is anticipated that the site could draw as many as 50,000 visitors per month in the coming year.

The website itself is managed and run by the WageIndicator Foundation, which provided the original English content for the website.

The ILO provided the technical and financial expertise and resources necessary to translate content into the Sinhala and Tamil languages.

Additionally, considering the high proportion of Sri Lankans utilising mobile phones as their primary gateway to the internet, the site has been mobile optimised to provide the greatest utility to the widest group of users.

The initiative was first conceptualised when ILO analysis of the Sri Lankan labour force revealed that young workers tended to be less aware about basic and practical aspects of labour law despite having a persistently high rate of IT literacy.

The International Labour Organisation is a United Nations agency that is focused on promoting opportunities for men and women to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equality security and human dignity.

The WageIndicator Foundation was launched in 2001 to contribute to a more transparent labour market for workers and employers by providing free access to information about wages, labour laws and careers collected and compared through online and offline surveys and research.

It has a yearly outreach of over 32 million people across 80 countries worldwide.

Visit, or for more details.

Last modified on Monday, 25 January 2016 11:16