The Commercial Bank of Ceylon has announced the commitment of approximately Rs 10 billion to a Bank-funded COVID-19 Support Loan Scheme to assist affected SME enterprises.

The Sri Lanka Institute of Directors (SLID) – Sri Lanka’s leading member institute for Directors organized a timely webinar titled “Covid 19 : Customs Procedures and Practices” with senior officials of the Customs Dept. to discuss the issues faced by the business community during the current Covid-19 pandemic, and the procedures and improvements to be implemented in the import/export process so vital to the smooth functioning of the economy.

Ceylinco Life has announced the payment of Rs 2.87 billion in gross benefits and claims to policyholders in the three months ending 31st March 2020, an increase of 17.7 per cent over the first quarter of 2019.

The Colombo Stock Exchange resumed stock market operations on 11 May 2020, following an extended closure as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Innovative Media Relations, one of Sri Lanka’s progressive PR agencies completed a decade of operation this year, and kicked off its anniversary celebrations with the re-launch of - the agency’s freshly revamped website recently.

Consequent to the announcement made by the Government that the curfew will be effective only between 10.00 pm to 4.00 am daily in all districts with effect from 26th May 2020 and the requests made by industry stakeholders to extend trading hours, the CSE has decided to extend the trading hours from Tuesday 26th May 2020 as set out below

Brand Finance has declared Commercial Bank of Ceylon the ‘strongest banking brand’ in Sri Lanka in 2020, unequivocally reaffirming the strength the brand and ranking the Bank fourth among all brands in in the country as well as assigning the Bank the highest brand value growth among the top 10 corporates in the list.

DFCC Bank, one of the fastest-growing Commercial Bank in Sri Lanka continues their journey in digital evolution by joining hands with FineTech Sri Lanka to launch Google G-suit Enterprises by being the First in the Banking industry in Sri Lanka.

Data obtained by reveals that Europe’s passenger car sales dropped by about 74% year-to-date between January and April 2020.

Q1 results for Vodafone, Telefonica, Deutsche Telekom, Orange and BT indicate an encouraging degree of business resilience in the European telecommunications industry at large, with few surprises in the B2C market, says GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company.

Sri Lanka demonstrates to have managed the COVID-19 outbreak reasonably well, while the economic fallout from the local and global lockdown will be unprecedented.