Businesscafe - Quarterly Financial Review ...
Businesscafe - Tokyo Cement Group recently hosted their top-performing dealers to the prestigious Annual Dealer Convention 2024, held at the Cinnamon Grand Colombo. ...
Businesscafe - Cricket in Sri Lanka is a unique phenomenon that binds our nation together in positivity and pride. ...

Tokyo Cement Encourages Forest-Bathing in The Horton Plains

Published in Living
Thursday, 02 November 2023 07:53
Businesscafe - Sri Lanka’s Horton Plains National Park with sweeping grasslands and montane evergreen cloud forests is an outstanding natural wonder. ...
Businesscafe - Tokyo Cement Group won two prestigious awards that reinstate its industry leadership position at the Annual Green Awards 2023 event, organized by the Ceylon Institute of Builders (CIOB). ...
Businesscafe - Tokyo Cement Group reinforced the long-standing partnership with the Society of Structural Engineers Sri Lanka (SSESL) for 2023, with the Sole Sponsorship of the Question Time Programme for the month of May. ...
Businesscafe - Tokyo Cement Group won the Gold Medal for exceptional environmental conscious business practices in the Chemical Industries Category, at the Presidential Environmental Awards 2021-22 organized by the Central Environmental Authority (CEA). ...
Businesscafe - Tokyo Cement Group rewarded their top performing dealers at the 2023 Annual Dealer Convention inclusive of a unique excursion experience and a gala award ceremony, organized in two segments at the Cinnamon Grand and the Kingsbury Hotel. ...
Businesscafe - Tokyo Cement Group extended the partnership with the Foundation of Goodness for 2023 towards the continuation of the Cricket Coaching Camps. ...
Businesscafe - The Tokyo Cement Group recently joined forces with the Sri Lanka Police Department to host two successful tree-planting events in Handaganawa in Minipe and Meedumgama in Ududumbara. ...