Fashion Bug, one of Sri Lanka’s leading fashion retailers with over 16 retail outlets island wide, marked yet another milestone in their groundbreaking CSR initiative Sisu Dirimaga which is the long term CSR platform of the company, when they organized the very first ever Peer Counseling programme for selected school going students in Sri Lanka.

Geocycle, a subsidiary of Holcim (Lanka) Ltd, a member of LafargeHolcim recently signed a vital memorandum of understanding with the Department of Local Government for the North Western Province (NWP) to dispose of all non-biodegradable waste in the area.

The third of four Public Employment Services (PES) Centres being launched under the EU Support for District Development Programme (EU-SDDP) was ceremonially declared open at Arasady, Batticaloa by H.E. David Daly, Ambassador of European Union to Sri Lanka and the Maldives, on 3rd December.

Emerge Lanka Foundation, a Sri Lankan organization that empowers abused girls, was selected as Runner-up at Project Inspire 2015 held in Singapore last Friday (13 November).

Heart-related disease is the top main cause of deaths in Sri Lanka. With a motive of contributing in smaller yet effective ways to eliminate this cause, Fashion Bug, one of Sri Lanka’s leading retail clothing chain with over 16 outlets island-wide, recently donated an electrocardiogram (ECG) machine to the Bandarawella District Hospital as part of its continuous social responsible activities.

The Commercial Bank has reaffirmed its commitment to customers in the northern peninsula with a programme in Point Pedro on Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship Development for micro entrepreneurs.

Sari Connection – a subsidiary under PARCIC has a unique, carefully handcrafted product range made out of upcycled saris.

In celebration of World Teachers’ Day and in appreciation of the invaluable service rendered by teachers in nurturing the young minds of the country’s future leaders, Hemas Hospital Wattala recently conducted a community healthcare programme for over 100 teachers and 1,000 students.

South Asia Textile Industries Lanka and Inner Wheel Club of Colombo West, a Rotary International affiliate, partnered in a joint healthcare initiative for the people of Gampaha District, which involved the building of walking exercise track for elders as well as the donation of dry rations to 150 pregnant mothers.

IPM Sri Lanka has organized the popular The Great HR Quiz 2015 for the 2nd consecutive year with objectives centered on broad knowledge sharing, creating opportunities to research on best HR practices and putting together a large HR audience for positive interaction within a competitive spirit.

More than 9,000 children flocked to Arpico Supercentres and Arpico Daily Supermarkets on a single day recently, to demonstrate their drawing skills at an art competition organised by the retail giant to celebrate World Children’s Day.