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AIC Campus was proud to be Silver Sponsors of the French Spring Festival 2023

Tuesday, 15 August 2023 07:53

AIC Campus was proud to be Silver Sponsors of the French Spring Festival 2023

Businesscafe - AIC Campus is delighted to announce its role as a Silver Sponsor of the highly anticipated French Spring Festival 2023.

This remarkable event, marking the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Sri Lanka and France, took place after three years and was one of the largest celebrations of its kind.

Organized by the Embassy of France in Sri Lanka and the Maldives, in collaboration with the network of Alliances Françaises in Sri Lanka and the Maldives, the 11th edition of the festival captivated audiences from the 24th of June to the 13th of July 2023.

It served as a platform to showcase the rich diversity of artistic collaborations between the two nations, celebrating the incredible fusion of Sri Lankan creation and French culture.

AIC Campus Chairman and Directors expressed their excitement when they presented the sponsorship to His Excellency Jean François Pactet, the Ambassador of France to Sri Lanka and the Maldives.

This valuable partnership underscores AIC Campus' commitment to fostering cultural exchange and strengthening ties between Sri Lanka and France.

The French Spring Festival 2023 will feature an array of captivating performances, exhibitions, workshops, and interactive events that showcase the vibrant artistic expressions originating from both countries.

With its longstanding dedication to providing world-class education and fostering global connections, AIC Campus is proud to contribute to this momentous celebration.

For more information about AIC Campus and its partnerships with French Universities, please visit or contact +94 77 133 5511.

About AIC Campus

AIC Campus is a leading educational institution dedicated to offering globally recognized degree programs, professional qualifications, and executive education.

With a commitment to providing transformative learning experiences, AIC Campus empowers individuals to thrive in their chosen fields and make a positive impact on society.

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AIC Campus offers degree completion programs such as:

• Bachelors in International Business Management
• MBA in Digital Marketing and Communication
• MBA in Management, Sale Development and Entrepreneurship.

The above programs are offered in partnership with IPAC School of Management, France.

AIC Campus also offers Engineering and Business Transfer programs to Universities such as ESIGELEC school of Engineering, Montpellier Business School, Rennes School of Business, EPF School of Engineering and many more.

For more information about AIC Campus and its partnerships with French Universities, please visit or contact +94 77 133 5511.

Last modified on Tuesday, 15 August 2023 08:06