Businesscafe - VegVoyages Foundation, Vegan Travel Asia, Animal Climate and Health Save Foundation India, The Save Movement and Thrive Philanthropy in collaboration with Sri Lanka Tourism, have extended their offer of a plant-based culinary course/workshop, tailored specifically for Sri Lanka in both Sinhala and English languages. ...
  Businesscafe - The Sri Lankan Cabinet of Ministers' recent decision to grant permits for importing passenger transport vehicles under the Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) marks a significant step forward for the tourism sector. ...

Sri Lanka Tourism Triumphs at ITB Berlin 2024

Published in Travel & Tourism
Tuesday, 19 March 2024 14:56
Businesscafe - The ITB Berlin Convention, the world’s leading travel industry think tank, recently concluded its 2024 event, where over the course of three days, top international Travel and Tourism industry thought leaders gathered to discuss the latest trends, innovations, and developments, and to debate the major challenges facing the global t...
Businesscafe - The South East Asia Hotel Investors Summit (SEAHIS) 2023, a prestigious gathering of leading investors, industry leaders and experts recently took place in Bangkok, Thailand. ...
Businesscafe - Emirates has pledged its renewed support to promoting tourism in Sri Lanka through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed with the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau. ...
Businesscafe - According to UNWTO (UN World Tourism Organization), Destination management consists of the coordinated management of all the elements that make up a tourism destination. ...
Businesscafe - A bilateral dialogue on Tourism organised by the Italian Embassy in Colombo held recently brought together key stakeholders in the tourism and hospitality sectors from Sri Lanka and Italy with the goal of exploring and leveraging on synergies and opportunities for collaboration between the two countries. ...
Businesscafe - On 27 January, ultramarathon trail runner Hyun Chang Chung crossed the finish line at the Ceylon Tea Museum in Hanthana, cheered on by new fans from the surrounding local community and his elated family. ...
Businesscafe - As the situation in Sri Lanka continues to improve, Mastercard today announced its latest effort to promote the island nation as a safe, affordable destination for inbound travelers. ...
Businesscafe - The Delegation of the European Union in Sri Lanka (EU) and the Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) awarded the first three grants - worth 1 million rupees each - to small tourism enterprises to help them accelerate their post COVID recovery and build a stronger base for growth as tourists start returning to the country....