Full’r X Marmite : A Niche and Bold Collaboration That Left a Mark!

Wednesday, 16 October 2024 13:51

Full r X Marmite A Niche and Bold Collaboration That Left a Mark

Businesscafe - The Full’r Burgers X Marmite collaboration has wrapped up, but its impact is still being felt by food lovers across Colombo.

This unique partnership between Full’r Burgers and Unilever Sri Lanka saw the creation of “Marmite Mayo”, a tangy, savoury twist that became the star ingredient in a range of new menu items.

For Marmite enthusiasts, it was a dream come true, and even skeptics couldn’t resist the unique flavours.

The collaboration launched with a bang during World Marmite Day at the Havelock City Mall, where foodies got a first taste of the new Marmite-inspired creations.

Full’r Burgers showcased a range of products that were infused with the new Marmite Mayo, adding an extra layer of rich, marmitey gooodness!

The public response was overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the balance of flavours that celebrated both brands.

To cap off the collaboration, Full’r Burgers hosted a pop-up stall at Unilever Sri Lanka’s headquarters.

This final activation allowed the collaboration to reach its peak, giving Unilever employees and special guests the chance to sample Full’r Burgers’ Marmite-infused delights one last time.

The buzz generated during the pop-up made it clear:

The creative collaboration had struck a chord with Sri Lankan food lovers.

As the collaboration comes to a close, both Full’r Burgers and Marmite have successfully expanded their brand awareness.

Full’r Burgers has cemented itself as an innovative force in the local food scene, while Marmite continues to prove its versatility in exciting, new ways.

Though the event is over, the flavour memories it left behind will certainly linger.

Last modified on Wednesday, 16 October 2024 14:03