Facebook is said to be working on competitor to Twitter’s mobile ad server MoPub

Facebook is reportedly working on a competitor to Twitter’s mobile ad distributor MoPub, according to Bloomberg.

The new product is one of a number of advertising moves that may be announced at the company’s F8 developer conference later this month, although Facebook has not decided whether or not it will release it then, people who asked not to be identified told Bloomberg.

Earlier this year, Facebook announced its product ads, which let marketers upload their product catalog and create campaigns that target certain products to specific audiences.

Last year, Facebook released its Audience Network, which allows advertisers to expand their Facebook campaigns into other mobile apps.

Its Atlas product provides campaign management and measurement for marketers.

Twitter acquired MoPub in 2013. Serving billions of ads every day, it is an ad server for mobile application publishers that offers a monetization platform, combining ad serving, ad network mediation, and a real-time bidding exchange.

A Facebook representative told Bloomberg that the company does not comment on rumors or speculation.

Last modified on Friday, 06 March 2015 07:45