Tunepics takes its social network to the Apple Watch

Social music network Tunepics has launched on the Apple Watch, snatching the claim to be the “first British social app app” on the wearable.

The social network debuted last year and encourages users to post “moments” – a combination of a music track alongside their favourite picture.

Billed as a social network for the “Snapchat generation”, Tunepics move to the smart watch expands its offering around personalised content.

Fans can use the watch’s “Force Touch” feature to share insights into their mood such as whether they are “singing” or “dreaming” by their post by pressing down on the watch face.

Additionally, Tunepics fans can look at the watch to see how their friends feel via a coloured map.

The data shared through Tunepics can reveal what an entire country is feeling and listening to at any given moment.

Justin Cooke, founder and chief executive of Tunepics, said:

"Apple watch is yet another significant advance into what the future of devices and emotional communication will look and feel like – Apple are the masters of giving people what they want at the perfect moment balancing fashion and function.”

Users can search for over 35 million songs by genre, emotion or by keyword. They are then given a preview of each song on the iTunes store with a direct link to purchase the track.

Last modified on Monday, 27 April 2015 04:57