LinkedIn teams up with Richard Branson and daughter Holly for Bring In Your Parents Day 2014

Thursday, 18 September 2014 04:59

LinkedIn has joined forces with Sir Richard Branson to promote the annual Bring In Your Parents day on 6 November.

The event encourages businesses to allow employees to bring their parents to work for the day and LinkedIn has signed up Branson and his daughter Holly to promote the professional online network’s contribution.

In a LinkedIn blog takeover, Holly Branson wrote on her dad’s page: “When the team at LinkedIn asked if I would support Bring In Your Parents Day, I jumped at the chance.

“I know it might sound strange, with both dad and I working within Virgin, but with dad based on Necker Island and me in London, I thought it was a great way to show him exactly what I get up to each day.

“Bring In Your Parents Day is a reminder that every generation has something different and valuable to share, and that your parents are just as wonderful and knowledgeable as they were when you were growing up.”

LinkedIn will use its social and PR channels to promote the event ahead of 6 November.

Danielle Restivo, head of global programs at LinkedIn, said: “At LinkedIn we strive to help our members be more productive and successful in their professional lives. We also believe that it’s important to recognise the support that got them to where they are today.

“We wanted a moment in time to stop and celebrate that pride people feel for their children’s successes. Bring In Your Parents Day is literally that. If we can harness that parental pride and wrap it around our brand then it’s very much mission accomplished.”

Last year’s event saw 15,000 individuals take part in businesses around the world.


Last modified on Thursday, 18 September 2014 05:27