Facebook creates hyper-local ads to increase targeting

Friday, 10 October 2014 04:37

Facebook has introduced a hyper-local targeting tool for ads, which allows businesses to focus on customers who either live or have visited the area.

Using the Local Awareness tool, Facebook businesses can select the radius that they want to advertise in, for example a mile from the location of a shop, and target those who have recently been in that area, while also working on getting the correct target audience via the age and gender of the audience.

Based on the potential audience, size of the budget and duration of the campaign, Facebook will then reveal how many people you can expect to reach each day your ad runs.

Facebook users still have control over the recent location information they share with Facebook and will only see ads based on their recent location if location services are enabled on their phone.

Ad creators will be able to add a call-to-action button to their ad, such as “Get Directions” (to help people find the store) or “Like Page” in order to increase interaction.

Facebook has suggested that due to its targeting, the tool is more cost-effective than traditional advertising channels like newspaper while offering “more precise targeting and greater reac”.

The Local Awareness tool is set to roll out to advertisers in the US over the coming weeks, and globally in the coming months.




Last modified on Friday, 10 October 2014 05:03