Twitter open to topic-based timeline admits CEO Dick Costolo in surprise email

Saturday, 08 November 2014 09:03

Twitter chief executive Dick Costolo has admitted that the social network is considering filing tweets under specific topics to help personalise the timeline.

The head of the social network allegedly made the concession in response to an email from Yousaf Sekander, a director of internet marketing group RocketMill, who suggested that Twitter timelines should be sorted into topics to cut out annoying tweets.

In response to the email, which Sekander admitted he expected no reply from, Costolo said: “What you are talking about is something we have discussed internally for some time and is related to the notion of topic based timelines as you would expect.

“There’s a lot to it, but yes, this is an opportunity that we understand and think about.”

The original message from Sekander said: “You will probably not read this email but I thought I should try anyway - I am ever the optimist! I have an idea that might make Twitter a tiny bit better.”

Sekander recommended that Twitter implement a feature allowing users to see content based not only on those they are following but also topics they are subscriber to in a bid to help personalise the Twitter experience, adding that the social network could be a better place if users could tune in and out of conversations with the click of a button.

Topic-based timelines would completely alter the way in which users are presented their tweets. In August, the firm was met with derision after it added tweets from unfollowed users with content it thought may be of relevance.

Last modified on Saturday, 08 November 2014 09:13