eBay appoints Naked Communications to pan-European social media brief

Tuesday, 02 December 2014 04:05

Online marketplace eBay has named Naked Communications its social media and content partner following a pan-European review.

The account encompasses a number of key European markets including the UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain and sees Naked Communications charged with running the owned and earned aspects of social media.

The agency is also briefed to engage eBay’s audience of over 2.5 million Facebook fans by creating shareable ‘newsfeed-worthy’ content.

“eBay provides the perfect sweet spot between utility – getting what you want, when you want it – and engagement – being inspired to shop the world.

We needed a partner who can help unlock the strength of this unique positioning and engage with both the ‘heart’ and ‘head’ of our social media and content programme. Naked has shown this from day one,” commented Bas Ellen, eBay’s European head of social media.

Christian Gladwell, Naked Communications European CEO, added: “When you’re looking for partners as an agency, you look for two things: permission and ambition.

The permission the brand gives you to create truly outstanding experiences and the ambition of the individuals to make a difference. With eBay and Bas we have both and we’re looking forward to redefining how people experience shopping.”

The brief consolidates work previously held by Essence and Achtung, the selection process was managed in-house with support from Creativebrief. The account will be led by Naked Communications London office.

eBay confirmed its advertising and media planning accounts are unaffected by the change.

Last modified on Tuesday, 02 December 2014 04:19