Businesscafe - Coca-Cola Sri Lanka and Clean Ocean Force (COF) made a splash on World Oceans Day as they launched "The Ocean Guardian" programme, an exciting expansion of their successful "Adopt-A-Beach" initiative. ...
Businesscafe - Staff of the head office of Ceylinco Life and their families took a shocking 732 kilograms of harmful pollutants and trash off a stretch of beach at Mattakuliya recently at a beach cleanup organised by the Company’s Green Club. ...
Businesscafe - Coca-Cola Sri Lanka Ltd. proudly continues its mission to safeguard Sri Lanka's shorelines by extending the 'Adopt A Beach' initiative for a triumphant third year. ...
Businesscafe - Demonstrating its continuous commitment to collecting plastic and tackling marine plastic pollution, Hemas FMCG joined hands with Clean Ocean Force for an extensive beach cleanup on 22nd July 2023, at Crow Island Beach, with the enthusiastic participation of its employees, interns from the MAS-Dialog-Hemas Summer Interns Programme,...
Businesscafe - Hemas Holdings PLC partnered with Clean Ocean Force to tackle plastic pollution in Jaffna by restoring Gurunagar, one of the most polluted fisheries landing sites and adopting “Point Pedro” beach, situated at the extreme Northern Point of Sri Lanka. ...
Businesscafe - As part of the “Marine Pollution Prevention” component of its Sixfold Sustainable Model, C.W. Mackie PLC recently organised “Beach Cleaning Day” in an effort to band together environmentalists and the staff of C.W. Mackie PLC towards achieving a shared goal. ...