Businesscafe - Samsung Electronics recently introduced its latest 200-megapixel (MP) image sensor, the ISOCELL HP2, with improved pixel technology and full-well capacity for stunning mobile images in tomorrow’s premium smartphones.
Businesscafe - Lenovo, global technology leader, today announced the opening of its first SIS (Shop-In-Shop) store at Technocity, in Colombo.
Businesscafe - Sysco LABS Sri Lanka resumed its community initiatives in 2022, which were previously curtailed by the lockdowns, including its flagship program, ‘Share a Meal. Share a Moment’ which was launched in 2020.
Businesscafe - Entertainment today is unrecognizable from even a few years ago.
Businesscafe - Istanbul, Turkey hosted the second edition of the Global Esports Federation's flagship tournament in December.
Businesscafe - Every year, mobile technology increasingly becomes the very core of our daily lives and the epicenter of innovation.
Businesscafe - Sri Lanka’s largest mercantile-level sports event, Gamer.LK's Mercantile Esports Championship ‘22 (MEC 22) powered by SLT-MOBITEL is back for its seventh edition, allowing employees of any organisation in Sri Lanka to compete across 22 Esports titles and be crowned as the best Esports company in Sri Lanka.
Businesscafe - MiHCM, a global HR technology provider, successfully implemented MiHCM Cloud across the global manufacturing facilities of the Hela Group in Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, and Egypt.
Businesscafe - Reiterating its creative capabilities and progressive nature, leading homegrown media, brand communications and public relations expert New Media Solutions took home four esteemed awards at the recently held SLIM DIGIS 2.2, for the production of ‘Ledak Giya Durak’, a branded mini-series on YouTube, as well as for its contributions towards executing ‘Unlocking Access To Miraculous Healing’ campaign.
Businesscafe - Celebrating the dawn of 2023 and continuing to enrich citizens digital lives, SLT-MOBITEL, the National ICT Solutions Provider is enhancing the SLT-MOBITEL Fibre, Sri Lanka’s first, fastest and widest premium connectivity bandwidth to 200Mbps download speed and 100Mbps upload speed.
Businesscafe - As a global leader in consumer electronics and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Samsung Electronics has ascertained its responsibility to establish an eco-conscious value chain through its innovative technologies and products, as well as to provide more valuable and enlightening experiences to each and every consumer.