The Carbon Consulting Company launches a new paradigm in corporate sustainability ( 30 photos )

Sri Lanka’s leading provider of sustainability consulting services –The Carbon Consulting Company, marked the World Environment Day 2015 by launching a new paradigm in the corporate sustainability.

The event was graced by Regional Representative of The CarbonNeutral Company Ms. Vivian Frost and Sanith de S. Wijeyeratne CEO of The Carbon Consulting Company (CCC) and other corporates who champion a sustainable approach.

“The Carbon Consulting Company, was set up to provide companies and organisations in the region access to world standard consulting and sustainability advisory services,” say CEO of The Carbon Consulting Company (CCC) Sanith de S. Wijeyeratne.

“As our name connotes, we were initially focused on helping companies track and reduce their carbon emissions, and to also encourage companies to make a positive impact by becoming certified asCarbon Neutral.

However, we soon expanded our consulting services to cover many other sustainability aspects such as water, biodiversity, waste and energy.

Throughout this process, we have been guided and encouraged by the advice and support of our principal international partner, The CarbonNeutral Company of the UK.

Today we find that many companies are seeking to actively align the environmental and social sustainability initiatives to their own broader corporate agendas.

And CCC is proud to announce that it is now capable of helping clients create such engagement opportunities though the robust and proven mechanism of carbon finance, with the help of The CarbonNeutral Company’s innovative framework - Sustainable Impacts.

Introducing this new methodology to a gathering of corporate and sustainability leaders, the Regional Representative of The CarbonNeutral Company Ms. Vivian Frost said “We have seen an increasing interest from our clients in aligning their carbon management and environmental programmes with additional business objectives, such as community development, stakeholder engagement and building supply chain resilience.

Our Sustainable Impacts framework is a way to articulate the additional benefits that carbon finance projects deliver.

Carbon finance provides the measuring, monitoring and reporting processes to ensure carbon emission reductions are delivered, and the Sustainable Impacts framework evaluates the further sustainable development benefits for communities and the environment, such as health and wellbeing, water stewardship, financial security and biodiversity protection.

As I meet Carbon Consulting Company's clients throughout the country, I'm pleased to be able to introduce the concept of Sustainable Impacts and explain the role it plays in their own carbon management programmes".

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1.) Prasanna Karunathilake - Managing Director, Aitken Spence Printing & Packaging (Pvt) Ltd.

2.) Dr. Sampath Kannangara - CEO and Sudharshan Welihinda from Informatics Institute of Technology

3.) Chamara De Silva - General Manager, CKT Apparel (Pvt) Ltd

4.) Vivian Frost - Regional Representative, The CarbonNeutral Company, UK

5.) From Left- Dr. Sampath Wahala - Lecturer, Sabaragamuwa University; Sudharshan Welihinda - General Manager and Dr. Sampath Kannangara - CEO, Informatics Institute of Technology

6.) Saranath Rambukwella - Director Operations, Colombo Courtyard

7.) Preneth Rupesinghe - Director Finance, Bodyline (Pvt) Ltd

8.) Sanith de Silva Wijeyeratne - CEO, CCC

9.) Vivian Frost - Regional Representative, The CarbonNeutral Company, UK

10.) Marco Weidemann - Director, Lanka Leather Fashion (Pvt) Ltd

11.) Hiran Wickramasinghe - Group Managing Director, Informatics Holdings Limited

12.) Mani Sugathapala - Director Marketing, Citrus Leisure PLC

13.) Sharika Senanayake - COO, TradeCard Services (Pvt) Ltd

14.) Praminda Pelpola - Director, Exterminators (Pvt) Ltd

15.) Tharaka Ranwala - DGM Marketing and Business Development, Sampath Bank PLC

16.) From Left: Anna Warrington - Director, Forum for the Future India; Glenn Sonntag - Manager, Sustainable Development & Strategy, CCC, Sharika Senanayake - COO, TradeCard Services (Pvt) Ltd

17.) Anna Warrington - Director, Forum for the Future India

18.) Arjun Ranga - Managing Partner, NR Group, India

19.) Prasanna Karunathilake - Managing Director, Aitken Spence Printing & Packaging (Pvt) Ltd

20.) Lasantha Peiris - CEO, Swarna Solutions Limited

21.) Santosh Menon - Managing Director, BBDO Lanka

22.) Sriyan de Silva Wijeyeratne – Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, Textured Jersey Lanka PLC

23.) From Left: Faris Fausz – Director, Rainco (Pvt) Ltd and Fazal Fausz –Founding Director, CCC

24.) Hasrath Munasinghe - DGM Marketing, Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC

25.) Paloma Scott – Director, Calamander Unawatuna Beach

26.) Paddy Weerasekera – Head of Marketing, Corporate Communications & CSR, Expolanka Holdings PLC

27.) Ashan Kumar – Managing Director, PR Wire

28.) From Left: Santosh Menon - Managing Director, BBDO Lanka, Subramaniam Eassuwaren - Founding Director - CCC, Arjun Ranga - Managing Partner, NR Group, India

29.) From Left: Hasrath Munasinghe - DGM Marketing, Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC, Lakmini Senadheera – Manager, Sustainability Solutions, CCC, Kanishka Jayasinghe – CCC

30.) Team Carbon Consulting Company

Last modified on Friday, 19 June 2015 05:37

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