Businesscafe - Veteran Banker Dharshanie Perera has recently been appointed as a member of the Board of Directors of Pan Asia Banking Corporation PLC.
Businesscafe - Sarva Colombo has marked yet another milestone in its pursuit for excellence as it wins a much-coveted Gold Award as well as a Bronze at the recent Effie Awards for the monumentally successful Ran Aththama Campaign done for Pan Asia Bank.
Businesscafe - Union Assurance, Sri Lanka's trailblazing Life Insurer, recently celebrated the business launch with its esteemed bancassurance partner, Pan Asia Bank, at Cinnamon Grand Colombo.
Businesscafe - Sri Lanka’s No.1 Bancassurance provider, Union Assurance PLC, joined hands with The Truly Sri Lankan Bank, Pan Asia Bank, to expand the scope and reach of Bancassurance in the country.