All of them winners of the Ceylinco Life ‘Ran Daru Charika’ promotion launched island-wide by the life insurance leader at the beginning of the year, the children accompanied by one parent each, gathered at the ‘Diyatha Uayana’ water park at Battaramulla to begin their excursion.
Their itinerary included a tour of the water park, a visit to the Colombo harbour where they visited the Unity Container Terminal, the new breakwater and other interesting locations; lunch at the BMICH, and visits to Independence Arcade, Independence Square and the NelumPokuna theatre complex.
Nine luxury buses and two double decker touring buses were used for the drive around Colombo.
Ceylinco Life provided meals and refreshments and also arranged transport to and from Colombo and where necessary, overnight accommodation for children travelling from distant areas for this latest community engagement activity.
For some of the children and their parents, this was their first tour of Colombo.
Selecting winners for this tour was linked to Ceylinco Life’s annual distribution of school timetables country-wide before the start of the new school year.
Each timetable had a detachable coupon to be filled in and returned to the nearest Ceylinco Life branch to enter a draw for the ‘Ran DaruCharika.’
Pictured here are some of the highlights of the Ceylinco Life Ran DaruCharika 2015.