Facebook to create AI ‘online chaperone’ to stop drunken posts

Monday, 15 December 2014 16:35

Facebook is working on building an artificial intelligence tool which will act as an online chaperone, warning users against posting something they may later regret.

Led by Yann LeCun, who heads the Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research (Fair) lab, the AI would technology that will be able to tell the difference between your drunken self and your normal self.

Speaking to Wired magazine, LeCun said that after writing and attempting to send a post and would “recognise when you’re uploading an embarrassingly candid photo of your late-night antics”, the system would “tap you on the shoulder and say: ‘Uh, this is being posted publicly.

Are you sure you want your boss and your mother to see this?’”

It is unknown when the system will launch.

Last modified on Tuesday, 16 December 2014 04:48