Trolls target Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook account

Wednesday, 17 December 2014 10:26

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has proved he is not immune from the bane of the internet, online trolls, after his personal profile was transformed into a platform for abuse.

A group of Brazilian trolls took to the tech founder’s profile to pepper it with rude comments and images in response to his public posts in a campaign of abuse which has now lasted several days.

Ostensibly initiated as a form of protest against the low reach of Facebook pages the attack has gained traction in Brazil where large numbers have piled in, deluging the account with spam messages.

Although focussed on older, less visible posts, the campaign has generated thousands of comments, notably a May 2012 post announcing his marriage to Priscilla Chan which has now amassed more than 186,000 comments, the majority consisting of random pictures and memes.

Reports on Tech Crunch suggest that the trolling may be related to a Portugese Facebook group called ‘Flood That Mark’ which has 1,153 members with the motto ‘What happens in the group, stays in the group’.

Last modified on Wednesday, 17 December 2014 10:38