Businesscafe - Atlas Axillia Co. (Pvt) Ltd. signs a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Ministry of Education to provide standardised professional training required for pre-school teachers in early childhood development. ...
Businesscafe - Inspiring education for over 60 years, Atlas has been a cherished foundation in turning students' dreams into vibrant realities by infusing joy into their learning experiences. ...
Businesscafe - In a heartwarming initiative to recognize and celebrate the unwavering dedication of teachers in Sri Lanka, Atlas Axilla, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, proudly presented the Guru Garu Teacher Appreciation Program on October 5, 2023. ...
Businesscafe - Hemas recently announced the acquisition of a 24.9% stake of Atlas Axillia Company (Private) Ltd, for a total consideration of Rs.3.4Bn. ...
Businesscafe - Sri Lanka's leading learning brand, Atlas, reaffirmed its unwavering popularity amongst parents as Atlas clinched the 'School Supply Brand of the Year’ award for the fourth consecutive year at the prestigious SLIM-Kantar People's Awards 2023. ...
Businesscafe - Atlas, a leading learning brand in Sri Lanka, recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the State Ministry of Women and Child Affairs to financially aid 250 schoolchildren from underprivileged communities through the timely Atlas SipSavi Scholarship Programme. ...
Businesscafe - Atlas Axilla, Sri Lanka’s largest and most reputed manufacturer and marketer of stationery and school supplies, secured the prestigious 'Local Brand of the Year' Gold award and 'CSR Brand of the Year' Bronze award at the recently concluded SLIM Brand Excellence Awards 2022. ...
Businesscafe - Atlas, Sri Lanka’s leading stationery brand proved its continued popularity amongst people, with consumers voting them in as the ‘School Supply Brand of the Year 2022’ for the third consecutive year at the SLIM-Kantar People’s Awards 2022. ...
Businesscafe - Atlas, the nation’s most loved stationery and learning brand, was honoured with the ‘CSR Brand of the Year' Bronze award at the SLIM Brand Excellence Awards 2021 held, recently. ...
  Businesscafe - Atlas, Sri Lanka’s leading stationery and learning brand, conducted the annual Ridi Viharaya Outreach Programme to donate school supplies for 2,300 underprivileged children for the 19th consecutive year. ...