Chandhani Bandara Salons and 4ever Skin Naturals support women entrepreneurs in the North

Chandhani Bandara salons, a pioneer in the beauty culture industry and the developer of 4ever Skin Naturals recently partnered with the Nucleus Foundation to provide assistance to women in Vavuniya, Mannar, Jaffna, and Killinochchi.

A program, held in honor of International Women’s Day, aimed to enhance the entrepreneurial capabilities of women in these areas, making it possible for them to enhance their livelihoods through beauty culture.

The Nucleus Foundation is a non-profit association that provides a range of services to partner agencies throughout the region including projects, training and research.

Over 600 female entrepreneurs and their families attended the event held at the Urban Council grounds, in Vavuniya, which was funded and supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the Nucleus Foundation’s ‘Optimize Micro Enterprise Development and Agricultural Productivity’ project.

Speaking on its role as the beauty culture partner for the Nucleus event, Chairman and Founder of 4everSkin Naturals, Mrs. Chandhani Bandara, said “It was wonderful to visit the North and see how enthusiastic these women entrepreneurs were about the possibilities before them.

It is an industry that is focused mainly on clientele in Colombo, It was a great experience to see the talent and skills these ladies possess and to help them achieve their goals.”

The program held in the North included technique and demos using 4Ever Skin Naturals products, bridal competitions, activities, free head washes and cleanups and entertainment for the participants’ families.

Mrs. Chandhani Bandara attended the event and conducted some of the demonstrations personally- imparting invaluable knowledge to these women entrepreneurs.

All contestants also received a 4ever Skin Naturals gift pack.

Chandhani Bandara Salons in Colombo also host workshops at its head-office for beauty salon owners from the North.

Giving them exposure to technology that is vital for the development of the industry as well as to enhance their skills and provide a viable livelihood for these women.

The skills focused on include haircuts, styling and facials, as well as building on the skills already possessed by these individuals who are mostly self-taught.

Speaking on the goals behind the partnership with the Nucleus Foundation as well as the training programs, Ms. Chandhani Bandara explained, “The end result we are looking at is empowering these ladies to achieve greater height in their chosen profession.

Better skills and knowledge will enable them to enhance their earning power and give them the necessary motivation to improve their quality of life – all while enhancing the industry as a whole.

Speaking on behalf of the Nucleus Foundation, Mr. Dave Maurice said, “We were honored to have Chandhani Bandara Salons as the exclusive beauty care partner for our events.

The program was a great success and the feedback from the participants has been incredible.

Our participants say that they received insight into a wide range of skills, learned many new techniques and how – to’s on many products.

They look forward to implementing the techniques they have taken away in to their businesses.” 

Last modified on Thursday, 30 April 2015 03:59