Capitol TwinPeaks expected to reduce carbon footprint by 18%

Capitol TwinPeaks, the flagship residential venture of the Sanken Group, located at the up-and-coming, high-end investment location - the Beira Lakefront in Colombo 2, through its sustainable green building concept is expected to have a reduced carbon footprint of 18%, when compared with the results obtained in the case study Kumanayake, Luo, 2018.

Based on this very marker, the project has now applied for its Green Certification to the Green Building Council of Sri Lanka.

The project which offers twin interlocking skyscrapers at 50 storeys each, connected by South Asia’s highest skybridge featuring 438 varying apartment units, under the purview of Sanken Construction Pvt Ltd, adheres to strict sustainability construction guidelines.

Speaking with Manager, Engineering, Sanken Construction Pvt Ltd - Nilanga Lakmal, commented “Studies have shown that a building's value increases by 3-5% percent when it is green.

This contributes largely in today's market climate. As one of the pioneers in Sri Lanka’s construction industry it is our responsibility to provide the best construction solutions for our clients.

Most of our clients are interested in sustainability for varying reasons—health and wellness; to be part of a larger movement in sustainability by reducing their carbon footprint; to save on utilities.

The measures taken aid in all of the above”.

Concluding on the topic Project Director - Capitol TwinPeaks Project, Sanken Construction Pvt Ltd - D. L. Amarasinghe noted, “The adoption of ISO standards for sustainability has led to a reduction of wastage by 4-5%.

Once ISO standards are adopted, they ensure overall high quality, efficiency and consistency throughout the project lifecycle.”

The team behind Capitol TwinPeaks is currently certified in ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007 and the project has applied to receive its Green Certification via The Green Building Council, Sri Lanka.

Sustainable housing drastically improves the ROI of an investment, whilst also reducing daily expenses.

Some proven solutions used at Capitol TwinPeaks in the reduction of energy bills are the efficient air conditioning systems, LED lights for energy saving, the use of solar panels, the maximised intake of daylight, natural ventilation in the lobby and other common areas as well as the use of laminated glass for its arresting facade which not only improves insulation but also safety.

Techniques used in the efficient use of water are via on-sight rainwater harvesting systems, indigenous plant selection for green areas, that require less water, etc.

The concept of Sustainable housing or Green house or Eco Housing - practiced by Capitol TwinPeaks is one of the possible solutions, which may aid in reducing a nation’s overall carbon footprint.

It is estimated that in developed nations apartment buildings contribute to 40% of CO2 emissions, (Environmental Energy Study Institute, 2018).

With Sri Lanka as one of the 195 states that adopted the Paris Agreement, at the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Paris, as well as with the energy demands of buildings so large, designing and constructing energy efficient buildings can lead to large and vital reductions in energy consumption - contributing to the nation’s COP21 climate change and sustainability goals.


1.) Manager, Engineering, Sanken Construction Pvt Ltd - Nilanga Lakmal and Project Director - Capitol TwinPeaks Project, Sanken Construction Pvt Ltd - D. L. Amarasinghe.

2.) Carbon emissions from the varying construction cycle.

3.) Capitol TwinPeaks, on the Beira Lakefront.

Last modified on Tuesday, 29 October 2019 05:41